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New Playground Brings Health and Happiness to Disabled Children in Sri Lanka

  • April 10, 2013

When six-year-old Anudha plays with his buddies on the new playground at Lady Ridgeway Hospital in Sri Lanka, he gets to experience the joy and liberation of walking unassisted.  Before the therapeutic playground was built, Anudha, who has cerebral palsy, and many other children like him, could not walk or play on their own.The playground, supported by AmeriCares, is located next to the hospital’s physiotherapy department and equipped with special apparatus to enhance therapy and make it more enjoyable for children. In fact, Anudha’s mother explained that he is having so much fun on the playground—while receiving needed physical therapy and exercise—that he does not want to go home anymore!Eight years after the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami struck, AmeriCares continues to be actively engaged in helping the people of Sri Lanka.  Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and a variety of non-governmental organizations, we continue to address some of Sri Lanka’s most pressing post-tsunami issues while overseeing more than $17 million in reconstruction efforts in health, education, livelihoods, water and sanitation.Donate Now