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Emergency Aid for Indonesia Flood Survivors

  • January 10, 2013

In fiscal 2012, AmeriCares responded to 24 emergency events in 18 countries, with aid to help 1.8 million survivors.Hundreds of Indonesia flood survivors were quickly helped with emergency aid supported by AmeriCares Global Pre-Positioning Initiative. Launched in 2012, the initiative provides funds to help partners put crucial relief supplies in place before disaster strikes – enabling faster response for survivors in urgent need.In Jakarta, Indonesia, where crisis level flooding displaced more than 10,000 people, our partner, YEU, distributed pre-positioned emergency supplies to survivors within 72 hours of the January 15 disaster.  The supplies, pre-purchased through an AmeriCares  disaster preparedness grant,  included blankets, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, detergent, and towels, along with childrens and baby items to help hundreds of people in need.These grant-funded supplies help curb the spread of infectious disease and provide comfort to displaced families while we work with partners to prepare additional shipments of emergency medical and humanitarian aid. The response to the recent flooding marked the second time in the past six months that our partner has relied on emergency supplies put in place through the Global Pre-Positioning Initiative.Ready in AdvanceIndonesia is one of many disaster-prone countries assisted by the pre-positioning initiative:

  • In August, 2012, when Tropical Storm Saola struck the Philippines, 1,000 families quickly received emergency aid.
  • In June and July, 2012, more than 2 million people in the Assam region of India were affected by the worst flooding since 1998. The AmeriCares India team responded immediately, supporting nearly 1,200 affected people with water purification tablets and other relief supplies.
  • Partners in Pakistan put the global prepositioning grants to work, helping 1,500 flood survivors with hygiene kits, mosquito nets, water purification, and cooking sets.
  • In Colombia, our partner distributed water purification tabs and hygiene kits, benefitting 2,000 people.

Other countries reached by the initiative include El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.In fiscal 2012, AmeriCares responded to 24 emergency events in 18 countries, with aid to help 1.8 million survivors.Donate Now