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AmeriCares Relief Worker On the Ground in Myanmar

  • May 10, 2008

An AmeriCares emergency relief expert arrived in Myanmar and is assessing the situation and working to obtain clearance for our airlift of essential medicines
and medical supplies to land in Yangon.  They are also working closely with the World Health Organization to help coordinate relief efforts and ensure the aid is distributed to the delta regions most affected by Cyclone Nargis.   Our relief expert on the ground has extensive experience in responding to the 2004 tsunami disaster.

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Woman affected by Cyclone Nargis
A villager collects rice at the village of U Khai-Hlaing which was hit by Cyclone Nargis, outside Labutta, in Irrawaddy Division May 9, 2008. Myanmar will accept foreign aid but not foreign aid workers, the foreign ministry said.
Photo:  REUTERS/Stringer (MYANMAR)  

Reports continue to highlight the growing need for medical assistance as health care professionals on the ground observe an increased need to treat malaria, dengue fever, and diarrheal diseases, and other medical emergencies resulting from digesting contaminated water. 

AmeriCares is mobilizing additional disaster relief experts to the region.  Our manager of emergency response has been in Bangkok working to procure additional emergency relief supplies and participating in logistics meetings with the UN and other NGO’s to coordinate relief efforts staged out of Thailand.

AmeriCares is working around the clock to obtain additional visas into the country in order to distribute the first airlift to those most affected.  We are in the process of planning additional shipments of essential supplies, including water purification sachets and supplement anti-malaria medications, which are included in the first airlift.

Help save lives in Myanmar and around the world.