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How AmeriCares is Responding to the Global Food Crisis

  • May 1, 2008

Rapidly soaring food prices have triggered a worldwide crisis that is threatening to destroy lives already diminished by food insecurity and malnutrition in parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

AmeriCares is responding by delivering nutritional supplements, vitamins and medicines to help meet the needs of people in vulnerable communities around the world.  In the past few months, AmeriCares nutritional aid has arrived in Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras and Uzbekistan. Additional shipments are currently in transit or are scheduled for Haiti, Gaza, Somalia, North Korea, and Malawi.

Help AmeriCares save lives in Vietnam, Niger and Around the World. »  

A Nigerien mother holding her child

A mother and child in Niger receive aid from AmeriCares at a therapeutic feeding center.
Photo: Matthew McDermott

The UN reports that global food prices have surged 57% in the past year, and rice prices have risen 141% in less than six months.  Unable to afford basic foods, poor families, and especially pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants are at risk of malnutrition and consequently increased vulnerability to disease.

A series of events are driving food prices beyond the reach of the poor.  Drought and plant disease is reducing rice and grain production. Sharply higher oil prices have increased fertilizer and transportation costs.  Some food crops are being diverted for biofuel production, and there is increased demand for food in the developing world. 

Help AmeriCares save lives in Vietnam, Niger and Around the World. »