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AmeriCares Helps Innocent Victims Trapped in Sri Lanka’s Civil War

  • January 1, 2008

Sri Lanka’s civil war has gotten worse in recent weeks and the number of casualties has skyrocketed. That’s why AmeriCares is sending close to $500,000 worth of vital medicines and supplies to help treat people hurt in the bloody conflict.

The United Nations estimates between 150,000 and 180,000 civilians remain trapped in the war zone, now an 11-square mile region located near the country’s northeastern coast.

Many of the people who need medical help are women and children. Maternity kits, antibiotics, IV fluids, bandages and personal hygiene items are among the humanitarian aid bound for Sri Lanka.

Nearly half of the people fleeing the violence have been injured and need surgery. Responding to this dire need, AmeriCares emergency shipment also includes blood packs for the National Blood Transfusion Center.

In addition, over 21,000 surgical scrub brushes have already been delivered to five major hospitals in Sri Lanka. Many hospitals are receiving high numbers of casualties from the on-going civil conflict.  In one hospital alone, close to 2,000 surgeries were performed last month.

“This is a valuable donation for the surgeons, and ultimately the patient. Before this, we were re-using brushes, without any material to clean under the nail bed. We are very grateful to AmeriCares for this donation,” said a senior surgeon from Anurhadapura Teaching Hospital. This donation is expected to reduce the risk of surgery-related infections.

AmeriCares continues to restore health and save lives to people in Sri Lanka and around the world.

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