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AmeriCares Continues its Response to Kenya

  • February 1, 2008

New Shipments of Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies

The violence over the disputed December elections in Kenya caused more than 1,000 deaths and left nearly 300,000 homeless, resulting in an increased need for humanitarian assistance. A variety of aid organizations have been working together to provide assistance in refugee camps throughout Kenya in order to meet some of the most pressing needs, including protection, medicines, shelter, food and water. Although a power sharing agreement has been reached recently and the violence has ebbed, homes and infrastructures have been destroyed over the past couple of months, leaving the displaced population with no other option than to remain in the camps. 

As we reported in the February issue of E-news, AmeriCares sent its first shipment of medicines and medical supplies in January, accompanied by Emergency Response Manager Jonathan Hodgdon.

Recently, AmeriCares sent an additional shipment of critical medicines and supplies that arrived in February, and a third shipment is currently being prepared  The aid provided by AmeriCares is being used to help treat and prevent some of the most common ailments within the relief camps, including diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, malaria, trauma and injuries sustained during the outbreaks of fighting.   

“The medicines and supplies donated by AmeriCares are currently allowing medical teams to provide necessary health care in the mobile health units and stationary clinics within the relief camps,” reported AmeriCares manager of emergency response Jonathan Hodgdon after his return from Kenya. “It is critical to treat these residents as soon as possible. This is one of the most important factors in our relief efforts, in order to prevent serious disease outbreaks inside the congested camps.”

AmeriCares donations help to restore heath, alleviate suffering and offer hope around the world.

Read Jonathan Hodgdon’s Field Report from Kenya >>