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Dominican Republic

Our Work in Country

Americares has been providing critical health programs to the Dominican Republic for decades, delivering more than $625 million in medicine, medical supplies and other improvements to a partner network of health organizations serving more than 250 communities across the country. Americares first airlift of aid to the Dominican Republic was in 1993. In 1997, in honor of Americares support, Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer presented Americares founder and chairman, Bob Macauley, with an award for altruism in the country. The strength of our partnerships has allowed us to respond effectively to the immediate demands of natural disasters while developing sustainable programs that expand primary health care access for the long term in areas such as maternal and child health.

Working in Dominican Republic since 1990.

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Health Snapshot

Among a population of 10 million people, nearly one in three Dominicans live below the poverty line, struggling to access the health care they need. Women, children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. The country shares a border with Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Both nations are at risk for hurricanes, earthquakes, severe storms and flooding, as well as mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever and Zika.